The benefits of “radish-seaweed” side vegetables in “sushi-sashimi”

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Sushi-sashimi. When you go to a Japanese restaurant and order a sashimi menu , you’ll notice that there are a variety of vegetables such as radish for sashimi, chrysanthemum flowers, oba leaves, and various shiso and seaweeds. Let’s get to know the seaweed that is serve with sashimi.

Reasons for serving different types of seaweed with sushi-sashimi

The vegetables that are serve with sashimi are traditional Japanese wisdom. For purposes such as radish noodles served with sashimi to absorb the liquid coming out of the sashimi. When eaten, raw radishes help the digestive system work better. Oba leaves, which kill bacteria that cause food poisoning, and seaweed, which improves the intestinal environment.

Seaweed served with sashimi

In addition to the use of red algae that have undergone various processes such as washing with water, drying in the sun and using alkaline solutions as a help to make the algae white. Japanese people also bring natural seaweed to serve with sashimi. which are as follows:

Tosakanori Red Seaweed (トサカノリ)

Tosakanori, or Meristotheca papulosa. It is a red algae shaped like a cockscomb. It grows mainly in the southern seas of Kagoshima Prefecture. Japanese people are very popular to eat.

Green Seaweed Okonori (オゴノリ)

Okonori or Gracilaria English name is seaweed that Japanese people like to extract substances to make agar and serve with sashimi. This algae flourishes in the Sea of ​​Japan where there is a tidal system. However, it can be toxic if taken orally immediately after being picked from the sea. So Japanese people soak it and wash it with alkaline solution before eating it.

Mafunori Red Seaweed (マフノリ)

Mafunori Seaweed Gloiopeltis, or English name, is an algae that grows almost everywhere in the seas of Japan. Japanese people like to eat it with sashimi and add miso soup. and extracting substances from this seaweed as a raw material for making glue

Wakame seaweed (ワカメ)

Wakama, known in English as Alaria crassifolia, is a seaweed that most people know and eat it in dishes such as seaweed salad, miso soup, and served with sashimi.

Seaweed is rich in dietary fiber and has health benefits. If served with sashimi, it can be eaten. Don’t leave it to waste.